What are the benefits?

The use of organic fertilizers has an ancient usage area in the world's leading agricultural countries in the context of obtaining qualified products. In our country, it has a history that can be considered new, which has become increasingly widespread, especially with the concept of "organic product", and its value in agricultural production is increasing day by day.

Organic fertilizer is used in field, greenhouse plants, flowering ornamental plants and decorative plants to increase the fertility of the soil in the production of these plants.

The decrease in agricultural lands in the world, the rapid spread of developments that disrupt the balance of soil and water such as industry and nuclear energy, the deterioration of the balances in the ecosystem against health, the threat of GMO products to human health, the human being more serious, more natural, more natural in the field of agriculture. has led to productive searches and studies. Vermicompost is an important alternative in terms of increasing agricultural productivity and product quality.

By providing results in a short time, it saves both agricultural area and time, and in a sense, it ensures that the producer gets the return of his labor.

If we materialize the benefits and properties of organic fertilizers, we see the following topics:

  1. It rebuilds the microbiological richness of the soil and stabilizes beneficial microorganisms.
  2. It makes the microorganisms in the soil more active.
  3. It improves the water-air balance of the soil, increases the interlocking power and porosity of soil particles.
  4. It retains soluble mineral substances and moisture better.
  5. It reduces the amount of watering by 40%.
  6. As it darkens the color of the soil, it increases the soil temperature.
  7. It creates an additional source of CO2 so that the plant can survive longer.
  8. It increases the nutrient reserve of the plant and the natural fertility of the soil.
  9. It eliminates the harmful effects caused by the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  10. It does not pollute underground and surface water resources, atmosphere and soil.
  11. Increases the amount of natural worms.
  12. It eliminates the obligation and burden of planting different crops every year in the cultivation area.
  13. It provides a complete balanced diet with essential vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, hormones and growth stimulants.
  14. Increases immunity against diseases.
  15. It gives the plant resistance to soil stress, pests and variable climatic conditions.
  16. Accelerating and increasing seed viability improves awakening and rapid rooting.
  17. It accelerates the development of the plant and provides an increase in quality products.
  18. It quickly heals the diseased plant.
  19. It quickly recovers and restores cells damaged by harmful substances and disease-causing organisms.
  20. It provides 30% more efficiency in commercial plant production.
  21. Plant roots begin to develop with carbon compounds from the leaves after fruit harvest. When the plant begins to show strong shoot growth, root development slows down. When shoot growth slows, sugar begins to move back to the roots. Root growth begins to increase. After harvesting, root development again becomes dominant.

The most ideal fertilization period in walnut type; It is the middle of February when root development begins. (Tree -250 Grams per age/age)